[Soyfoods Symposium 1997 Home Page] Shopping for Soyfood
By Peter Golbitz, President
SoyatechWe have all heard by now that eating foods made with soy is a healthy choice for us. We know that soy protein foods help us maintain healthy cholesterol levels, reduce the incidence of many diseases and can be a complete source of nutrition. We also know that valuable phytochemicals in the soybean can be disease preventative; and that even the fat in the soybean is a rich source of essential fatty acids. So, where does that leave us as nutrition advisors or consumers? Looking for easy and delicious ways to buy and use soyfoods each day in our diets.
Luckily for us, American soyfood producers have been extremely creative over the past 15 years or so and have been introducing an average of 200 new soyfood products a year into the marketplace. They have learned how to produce soyfoods which are convenient to prepare, have a long shelf-life, cater to American tastes and meal preferences, and still carry a healthy nutritional profile.
In this presentation, we're going to take a walk through a modern supermarket and a natural foods store and see just what soyfoods are available, and how and where in the store these products are sold.
[Soyfoods Symposium 1997 Home Page]