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Meeting Calcium Needs for Optimal Bone Health

By By Connie Weaver, Ph.D.
Department of Foods and Nutrition
Purdue University

Calcium and Bone Health

Osteoporosis, a condition of reduced bone density, is the major underlying cause of bone fractures affecting more than 25 million individuals in the United States with an associated annual health care cost exceeding $13.8 billion1. Even small differences in bone density can have a great impact on risk of fracture; a 5% increase in bone density translates into a reduction of fracture risk of approximately 40%. Increasingly, osteoporosis is being thought of as a completely preventable disease if an individual consumes a lifelong adequate intake of calcium, participates in weight bearing exercise, and, for females, takes estrogen replacement therapy after the menopause.

Bone mass accrues until the peak is reached by early adulthood and frequently decreases in later life by about 1% per year. Maximizing peak bone mass within an individuals' genetic potential requires optimal calcium intakes throughout growth, but especially during adolescence when the rate of calcium accretion is highest. The age of attaining peak bone mass differs with specific sites. Peak is achieved in the femoral neck by age 14-18 years2,3. The age at which selected percentages of total body peak bone mineral content is attained is given in Table 14.

Men attain higher peak bone mass than women, but lose bone at a similar rate than women except for immediately following the menopause. Blacks attain greater peak bone mass than whites or Asians and have higher bone mineral densities as adults. Lower levels of bone resorption in blacks are thought to reduce bone loss later in life.

Calcium Requirements

The new Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, fluoride, and vitamin D were released August 13, 1997 by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Science (NAS). The bone related nutrients were the first of a series of reports to be released. Six additional reports--on folate and B vitamins, antioxidants, macronutrients, trace elements, electrolytes and water, and other food components--will follow.

Unlike the RDAs, which established the minimal amounts of nutrients needed to be protective against possible deficiency, the new values are designed to reflect the latest understanding about nutrient requirements based on optimizing health in individuals and groups. The new recommendations, which included four categories of reference (see Table 1), were made by a group of more than 30 U.S. and Canadian scientists who examined the results of hundreds of nutritional studies on both the beneficial aspects of nutrients and the hazards of taking too much of a nutrient. Where the scientific evidence allowed, the committee made recommendations aimed at helping individuals at different stages of life obtain enough of a nutrient to promote bone strength and to maintain normal nutritional status.

Suggested uses of the DRIs are summarized in Table 2.

Calcuim recommendations were set at levels associated with maximum retention of body calcium, since bones that are calcium rich (high bone density) are known to be less susceptible to fractures. Maximal retention is determined as the intake which provides no additional benefit to calcuim retention/bone accretion. In addition to calcium consumption, other factors that are thought to affect bone retention of calcium and the risk of osteoporosis include high rates of growth in children during specific periods, hormonal status, exercise, genetics, and other diet components.

Our laboratory determined maximal retention calcium intakes for adolescents to be 1300 mg/d. The model developed by our research group was used to determine maximal calcium retention for other age groups. The new DRIs for calcium are given in Table 3.

Achieving Adequate Calcium Intakes

The gap between current calcium intakes (See Table 4 from CSF II 1994 survey data) and requirements is even wider for some age groups. Our challenge and responsibility as educators, health professionals, and caretakers of individual's diets, is to close this gap.

Although the NAS report does not prescribe a means for increasing individual consumption of calcium, it suggests that possible methods for doing so include educating consumers to eat more calcium-rich foods, fortifying foods, and recommending dietary supplements. Individuals who wish to increase their calcium can consume more low- or non-fat dairy products or fortified food products. According to the report, taking supplements such as calcium tablets may be appropriate for those at high risk of health problems due to low calcium intake.

Dairy foods provide 75% of the calcium in the U.S. diet. This is problematic if 80% of the world is lactose insufficient. Vegetables and grains can provide calcium, but the quantities required to replace the amount of calcium in even a single glass of milk practically limit the role of other unfortified foods6. (See Table 5). Fortified foods could provide additional choices for meeting calcium requirements with the caution that individuals who consume less milk also have lower intakes of vitamin A, folate, riboflavin, vitamin B6, magnesium, and potassium7.

Calcium bioavailability in soybeans is comparable to milk8. However, the calcium content of soy products varies widely. Some soy products are calcium rich and can be substituted for milk on an equivalent basis. For example, a 100-gram serving of calcium-set tofu provides as much absorbable calcium as a glass of milk. Calcium fortified soy milk is a good source of calcium, which should be offered as an alternative to milk in school lunch programs.

Some dietary constituents increase urinary calcium loss, and thus, impact calcium retention even though they do not affect calcium absorption. For every gram of dietary salt consumed, approximately 26 mg calcium is lost in the urine. For every gram of metabolizable protein, approximately 1 mg additional calcium in the urine is lost. Thus, choices present themselves to meet individual needs. Diets can be constructed which are higher in calcium or lower in salt, protein, caffeine, and other constituents which lead to calcium loss.

I recommend that individuals try to get at least one calcium-rich source at every meal.


  1. Consensus Development Conference. Diagnosis prophylaxis, and treatment of osteoporosis. Am. J. Med. 94:646-649, 1993.

  2. Gitsany, V., Gibbens, D.T., Carlsen, M., Boechat, M.I., Cann, C.E., and Schulz, E.E. Peak trabecular vertebral density: A comparison of adolescent and adult females. Calcif. Tissue Int. 43:260-262, 1988.

  3. Theintz, G., Buchs, B., Pizzoli, R., Slosman, D., Clavien, H., Sizonendo, P.C., and Benjour, J.P. Longitudinal monitoring of bone mass accumulation in healthy adolescents: Evidence for a marked reduction after 16 years of age at the levels of lumbar spine and femoral nect in females subjects. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 75:1060-1065, 1992.

  4. Teegarden, D., Proulx, W.R., Martin, B.R., Zhao, J., McCabe, G.P., Lyle, R.M., Peacock, M., Slemenda, C., Johnston, Jr., C.C., and Weaver, C.M. Peak bone mass in young women. J. Bone Min. Res. J. Bone Min. Res. 10:711-715, 1995.

  5. Jackman, L.A., Millane, S.S., Martin, B.R., Wood, O.B., McCabe, G.P., Peacock, M., and Weaver, C.M. Calcium retention in relation to calcium intake and postmenarcheal age in adolescent females. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 66:327-333, 1997.

  6. Weaver, C.M., Plawecki, K.L. Dietary calcium: Adequacy of a vegetarian diet. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 59:1238S-41S, 1994.

  7. Fleming, K.H. and Heimback, J.T. Consumption of calcium in the U.S.: Food sources and intake levels. J. Nutr. 124:1426S-1430S, 1994.

  8. Heaney, R.P., Weaver, C.M., and Fitzsimmons, M.L. Soybean phytate content: effect on calcium absorption. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 53:745-747, 1991.

Table 1. Estimates of ages at which selected percentages of peak bone content values are attained.
%Total Body Bone Mineral Content
Age+ SEM (y)
99 22.1 + 3.7
98 23.5 + 3.0
97 21.9 + 2.6
96 20.8 + 2.3
95 19.8 + 2.1
94 19.1 + 1.9
93 18.5 + 1.7
92 17.9 + 1.6
91 17.4 + 1.4
90 16.9 + 1.3

Table 2. Uses of Dietary Reference Intakes for Individuals and Groups.
Type of UseIndividualGroup
Assessment EAR, AI, UL: of limited use without clinical, biochemical and anthropometric data. EAR: use in conjunction with data on the group's distribution of intake, adjusted for day-to-day variation in intake; is the primary method to assess adequacy of intake of groups.
Planning RDA: aim for this intake.

AI: use as a guide for nutrient intake in the absence of an RDA

UL: use as a guide that higher amounts increase risk.

EAR: use in conjunction with a measure of variability of the group's intake.

AI: use as a basis for the formulation of tentative goals for the mean intake by a population.

Table 3. Criteria and Dietary Reference Intake Values for Calcium by Life-Stage Group
Life-Stage Groupa Criterion Al (mg/day)b
0 to 6 months Human milk content 210
6 to 12 months Human milk + solid food 270
1 through 3 years Extrapolation of maximal calcium retention from 4 through 8 years 500
4 through 8 years Maximal calcium retention 800
9 through 13 years Maximal calcium retention 1300
14 through 18 years Maximal calcium retention 1300
19 through 30 years Maximal calcium retention 1000
31 through 50 years Calcium balance1000
51 through 70 years Maximal calcium retention 1200
> 70 years Extrapolation of maximal calcium retention from 51 through 70 years 1200
< 18 years Bone mineral mass 1300
19 through 50 years Bone mineral mass 1000
< 18 years Bone mineral mass 1300
19 through 50 years Bone mineral mass 1000
aAll groups except Pregnancy and Lactation are males and females.
bAI = Adequate Intake

Table 4. Calcium intake (mg): mean, standard error of the mean, selected percentiles and associated standard errors for usual intake
Sex/Age Category N Mean 1st 5th 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th 95th 99th
0-6 months 69 460.6 110 191 245 343 457 569 674 745 898
s.e 33.3 36.3 43.5 44.9 43.7 36.3 35.1 38.8 43.3 66.5
7-11 months 45 725.8 243 351 418 544 703 883 1062 1177 1410
s.e 78.57 58.9 61.6 63.7 69.4 79.7 95.6 117 135 179
s.e 16.79 14.4 13.8 13.7 14.5 17 1 22 28.7 34 47.1
4-8666 838.1 339 455 524 649 808 993 1190 1325 1618
s.e 25.04 21.4 21.3 21.4 22.2 24.7 29.2 36.7 43 58.9
M 9-13 180 1025 358 499 587 756 980 1245 1520 1702 2084
s.e 50.2 28.4 33.4 36.7 42.9 50.7 60.2 72.7 83.5 113
M 14-18 191 1169 409 554 647 834 1094 1422 1785 2039 2601
s.e 55.7 24.3 25 26.9 34.2 49.3 73 104 128 188
M 19-30 328 1013 355 484 566 729 954 1232 1536 1746 2206
s.e 35.4 21.2 24.2 26 29.3 34.3 43.9 62.1 79.4 128
M 31-50 627 912.6 313 429 503 651 857 1112 1393 1588 2015
s.e 32.05 15.8 21.7 24.4 27.3 31.4 40.4 51.7 63.8 127
M 51-70 490 747.7 265 362 424 545 708 908 1122 1268 1581
s.e 26.13 18.3 19.1 19.8 21.6 25.3 31.9 41.6 49.7 71.1
M 71+ 237 729.2 267 368 430 548 702 880 1064 1185 1434
s.e 30.52 17.9 22.8 25.3 28 31.2 37.1 42.7 48 4 80.8
F 9-13 200 918.5 361 486 562 705 889 1100 1313 1452 1737
s.e 40.41 28.7 31.7 35.7 37.3 41.9 55.4 60.9 68.5 163
F 14-18 169 752.9 246 348 413 541 713 922 1144 1293 1611
s.e 38.74 28.9 32.9 35.1 18.8 42.3 45.3 50.1 56.3 79.8
F 14-18 (+P/L) 172 762.5 248 352 418 547 722 934 1159 1311 1633
s.e 38.66 29.4 33.3 35.1 39.1 42.5 45 4 50 2 56.4 79.7
F 19-30 302 647.2 214 300 355 464 612 792 985 1116 1397
s.e 46.29 19 24.4 28 35.2 44.9 56.6 69.2 7739 97.2
F 19-30 (+P/L) 336 692.3 221 314 374 492 654 850 1060 1203 1508
s.e 42.51 19.8 25.2 28.5 34.6 42.2 51 60.6 67.7 85.2
F 31-50 590 696.8 209 297 353 461 606 779 961 1082 1337
s.e 15.36 10.5 13.7 14.4 12.7 13.8 23.2 32 40.1 83.2
F 31-50 (+P/L) 602 650.4 208 298 356 468 618 798 986 1112 1377
s.e 16.1 10.9 10.8 10.7 11.1 14.4 22.1 32 41.3 63.9
F 51-70 510 599.4 215 294 344 441 571 727 891 1001 1234
s.e 16.56 10.7 11.2 11.6 12.7 35.5 21.5 30.7 38.1 56.7
F 71+ 221 535.7 204 277 322 407 517 644 774 860 1037
s.e 22.63 13.8 13.9 14.7 17.1 22 29.3 37.2 42.6 57.3
B and under 1482 800.3 257 382 457 595 767 969 1183 1330 1652
s.e 17.26 19.6 18.4 17.7 17.3 17.8 19.8 24.4 29.1 43.4
M 9+ 2053 924.5 312 431 507 658 865 1126 1416 1620 2077
s.e 19.32 11.3 14.4 15.9 16.3 19 25.8 32.4 49.6 150
F 9+ 1992 657.4 228 316 372 480 625 800 985 1109 1372
s.e 9.86 9.39 9.59 9.57 9.47 9.83 11.8 16 2 20.2 30.7
F 9+ (+P/L) 2041 671.5 226 316 373 486 637 820 1014 1144 1421
s.e 9.6 9.27 9.48 9.45 9.29 9.52 11.5 15.9 20 30.8
F Preg./Lact 49 1134 473 637 733 905 1114 1341 1561 1699 1971
s.e 72.8 74.9 67.1 62.8 59.2 66.1 89.2 123 149 206
F Pregnant* 33 1168 481 656 758 939 1154 1382 1596 1729 1986
s.e 90.4 86.7 80.8 78.3 77.9 87.3 112 150 180 248
F Lactating* 16 1053 619 794 875 982 1050 1120 1233 1324 1519
s.e 330.3 427 492 513 460 304 214 237 313 547
All Individuals 5527 792 239 347 416 552 738 971 1234 1421 1848
s.e 11.09 7.37 7.86 8.22 9.14 10.9 13.9 18.3 22.2 35.1
All Indiv (+P/L) 5576 796.5 239 349 418 555 742 977 1241 1429 1855
s.e 10.79 7.46 7.92 8.25 9.11 10.8 13.5 17.4 21.1 33.7
N represents the actual unweighted sample size in each group.
Batimaten were obtained using C-SIDE v1.0 (C-SIDE courtesy of Iowa State University Statistical Laboratory, Iowa State U.)
Standard errors were estimated via jackknife replication. Each standard error has 43 d.f.
* These estimates are less reliable due to extremely small sample size.

Table 5. Food Sources of Bioavailable Calcium
Food* Serving Size Calcium** Content Estimated5 FractionalÝ Absorption Servings Absorbable Ca/Serving Needed to Equal 1 C Milk
(g) (mg) (%) (mg)
Milk (1 cup) 240300 32.1 96.3 1.0
Almonds, dry roasted (1 oz) 28 80 21.2 17.0 5.7
Beans, pinto 86 44.7 17.0 7.6 12.7
Beans, red 172 40.5 17.0 6.9 14.0
Beans, white 110 113 17.0 19.2 5.0
Broccoli 71 35 52.6 18.4 5.2
Brussell sprouts 78 19 63.8 12.1 8.0
Cabbage, Chinese (Pak-choi) 85 79 53.8 42.5 2.3
Cabbage, green 75 25 64.9 16.2 5.9
Cauliflower 62 17 68.6 11.7 8.2
Citrus Punch with CCM
(1 cup)
240 300 50.0 150 0.64
Fruit Punch with CCM
(1 cup)
240 300 52.0 156 0.62
Kale 65 4 58.8 27.6 3.5
Kohlrabi 82 20 67.0 13.4 7.2
Mustard green 72 64 57.8 37.0 2.6
Radish 50 14 74.4 10.4 9.2
Rutabaga 85 36 61.4 22.1 4.4
Sesame seeds- no hulls (1 oz) 28 37 20.8 7.7 12.2
Soy milk 120 5 31.0 1.6 60.4
Spinach 90 122 5.1 6.2 15.5
Tofu, calcium-set 126 258 31.0 80.0 1.2
Turnip greens 72 99 51.6 51.1 1.9
Watercress 17 20 67.0 13.4 7.2
*Based on 1/2 cup serving size unless otherwise noted.
**Taken from reference 14 and 15 (an average was used for beans, broccoli and mustard greens processed different ways).
Ý Fractional absorption was adjusted for load. For milk, this equation is fractional absorption (Fx abs) = 0.889-0.0964 ln load9. For low oxalate vegetables, after adjusting by the ratio of fractional absorption determined for kale relative to milk at the same load13, the equation becomes Fx abs = 0.959-0.0964 ln load. For tofu and soy milk, fractional absorption was assumed to be equal to high phytate soybeans16. For sesame seeds and almonds, the ratio of fractional absorption of sesame and almonds compared to nonfat dry milk in rats17 was applied to calcium absorption from milk in humans. Calcium absorption from beans was calculated similarly from rat data18. The ratio of fractional absorption from citrus punch (Sunny Delight Plus Calcium) and fruit punch (Hawaiian Punch Plus Calcium) was compared to fluid milk in rats19 and applied to calcium absorption from milk in humans.
5 Estimated absorbable calcium per serving (mg) = Calcium content (mg) x Fx abs.

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