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Soynut Butter

Storing | Cooking Basics | TSP Tips | Nutritional Value | Recipes

f you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, you'll love soynut butter. Soynut butter is made from soybeans that have been roasted (soynuts), which are then crushed and blended with soybean oil and other ingredients. Soynut butter has a slightly nutty taste, significantly less fat than peanut butter and provides many other nutritional benefits as well.


Soynut butter should be stored in an air-tight container. It can be stored in the refrigerator or cabinet.

Cooking Basics

Use soynut butter as a replacement for peanut butter in your favorite recipes.

TSP Tips

Nutritional Value of TSP

The typical serving size for any nut butter is 2 tablespoons, which many people are surprised to find out is more than they actually spread on a piece of bread. (If you are not certain what 2 tablespoons of soynut butter looks like, use actual level tablespoons next time.)

Isoflavone content will vary depending upon the manufacturer; some jars of soynut butter do not list actual amount, but say they are a good source of isoflavones. Several brands state they contain 30 to 40 of isoflavones in a 2 tablespoon serving.

Per serving (2 tablespoons or 15 grams):

 Calories 170
 Protein (gm)  8.0
 Fat (gm)  11
 Carbohydrate (gm)  10
Fiber (gm) 1
 Sodium (mg)  170

Data Sources: USDA Nutrient Database and manufacturer information.

Recipes with Soynut Butter

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Indiana Soybean Board


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